20 June


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Warm up : Hello Hello how are you

Vocabulary: Unit 16 WHO’S GOT IT? String , ring, hands, children, put, start see, with, a piece of, you’re out.

Repetition (Play the dialogue in the Unit 16) . Explanation: have a piece of string and a ring on it to show to the children. Explain the key phrases of the dialogue. Have you got the ring? ‘I have got the ring” it’s in my hand.

Pour la structure : Activity worksheets (WHO’S GOT IT) . Memorisation: Repeat all together have you got the ring? Yes I have or no I haven’t, can you see it? Yes I can or no I can’t . Grammar structure: Possession expressed by the use of I’ve got... he’s got... Have you got...?

Pour le Plaisir :  GAME Who has got the ring? Children must move their hand along the string so that the ring can easily passed from one to the next player in the middle without being seen by the player ?