mini school semaine du 3 avril


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sweet circus


Accueil  +  Passage


1.       Warm up :  look it’s a teddy

2.       Lets have a party

Activité(s) pour s’approprier le vocabulaire :

1. Form the parade and with the magic wand .  Taps the bag and brings out different items.

2. Vocabulary: Table cloth, plate, glass, spoon, napkin,

3. Language acquired: We want to eat, we want to drink,

Activité(s) pour s’approprier la structure :

1. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?

2. We are going to eat

3.  Thank you seal! Have an apple, thank you rabbit! Have a carrot, thank you monkey! Have a banana

Activité(s) pour le plaisir :

Song: RHYME I am hungry

Role Play: Role play (Lets have dinner)

Jimmy speaking


Activité(s) pour s’approprier le vocabulaire :

1. Presentation:  Play the dialogue all the way through.  First part of the unit is at normal speed without spaces for repetition

2. Vocabulary: spring, summer, autumn, winter

3. Explanation: Go back to the beginning and play it through again, this time stop after each sentence to explain and demonstrate.  Make sure the children point the relevant part of the picture. 

Activité(s) pour s’approprier la structure :

1. Grammar structure: there is, there are, four seasons, it’s cold in winter, it’s hot in summer

2. Repetition : Play on the second part of the unit and work on the collective and individual repetition phases as usual make it into a game

3. Memorisation: Rehearse the dialogue until the children know it off by heart.  Find the sentence from the picture.

Activité(s) pour le plaisir :

1.  GAME   Work on mini schools FLASHCARDS (objects, animals, person, etc)

2. SONG  


daisy speaking



Song: I am a new soul

Warm up:  What is the day today? Weather, month and year. Review of the past activity Unit No 17 (We learn ordinal numbers)

Activité(s) pour s’approprier le vocabulaire :

1. Presentation: Play the dialogue ALL THE WAY THROUGH

2. Vocabulay: a present, a birthday, a record, chocolates, sweets, books, ear, deer, pier, steering wheel

3. Language aquired: What sort of present? , to like, to get,

Activité(s) pour s’approprier la structure :

1. Repetition: Play on the second part of the unit and work the individual and collective repetition phrases as usual.  There are a lot of new words, do not accept any faulty pronunciation as this will only get worse when they start to read

2.  Explanation: Show the picture of all the shops and all that is sold there,

3. Memorisation:  Find the sentences.  Rehearse the dialogues until the children know it off by heart.

Activité(s) pour le plaisir :

GAME:  (ROLE PLAY) ROBIN HOOD AND FLASHCARDS different objects, animals, and persons