mini schools semaine du 26 juin


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sweet circus

Conversation:  Hello what’s your name?

How are you today?

Do like sweets? Yes I do! No! I don’t

Do you like chocolates?

Do you like hamburger?


 Do you like Ice cream 2X

Yes I do 2X

Do you like broccoli? 2X

yes I do 2X

 Mix and Mix

Do you like broccoli Ice cream?

No, I don’t YUCKY

 Do you like popcorn, pizza, popcorn pizza, donuts, juice, bananas, soup


Hide and seek for the ducks with different colors

 I got blue duck

I got yellow duck

I got pink duck

 Game: Musical Chair

Please touch your head, shoulders, nose, eyes, ears , etc.

Jimmy's speaking

Warm up : Conversation How are you today?

Are you tired? Are you hungry? Do you want to play?

 Activité(s) pour s’approprier le vocabulaire :

1. Presentation:  Play the dialogue all the way through.  First part of the unit is at normal speed without spaces for repetition

2. Vocabulary: Jacket, trousers, dress, socks

3. Explanation: Go back to the beginning and play it through again, this time stop after each sentence to explain and demonstrate.  Make sure the children point the relevant part of the picture. 

Activité(s) pour s’approprier la structure :

1. Grammar structure:  Whose ball is this? it’s John’s, whose jacket is this? it’s Mathild’s, etc

2. Repetitionon: Play on the second part of the unit and work on the collective and individual repetition phases as usual make it into a game

3. Memorisation: Rehearse the dialogue until the children know it off by heart.  Find the sentence from the picture.

Activité(s) pour le plaisir :

1.  GAME   Work on Jimmy’s Book (Math, cross words, vocabulary, etc

2. SONG  happy and you know it