Mini schools semaine du 29/11


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sweet Circus


1.       Warm up : Song Happy and you know it at head and shoulders knees and toes


2.       Chat in french and tell them that we had a phone call from Mr Colourful he is waiting at the circus.  Asked them if they would like to travel by helicopter, Taxi, Car, Train, plane, etc.  Showing them flashcards of different transport.

Activité(s) pour s’approprier le vocabulaire :

1. Mr Colourful wave the hand and transform all the children into horses and he make them go around.  Walking, jumping, running, galloping, eating, drinking

2. Vocabulary: walk, trot, galop, jump, eat, drink, sleep,

3. Language aquired: Horse go to sleep, Wake up, eat carot, eat sugar

Activité(s) pour s’approprier la structure :

1.  Horse come here! Carot yummy, sugar yummy

2.  You’re tired eat carot, eat sugar

3.  Horse drink water, eat banana

Activité(s) pour le plaisir :

Game: Mime game (Monkey, Crocodile, duck, cock)

SONG : Look at the animals in the ZOO look at the monkey

Jimmy Speaking 

Warm up :

Review of the past activity Unit no 6 My name is Jimmy

Activité(s) pour s’approprier le vocabulaire :

1. Presentation:  Play the dialogue all the way through.  First part of the unit is at normal speed without spaces for repetition

2. Vocabulary: in, blue, two, shoe, school

3. Explanation: Go back to the beginning and play it through again, this time stop after each sentence to explain and demonstrate.  Make sure the children point the relevant part of the picture

Activité(s) pour s’approprier la structure :

1. Grammar structure:  possesive adjectives: my/your;  What colour is it?

2. Repetitionon: Play on the second part of the unit and work on the collective and individual repetition phases as usual make it into a game

3. Memorisation: Rehearse the dialogue until the children know it off by heart.  Find the sentence from the picture.

Activité(s) pour le plaisir :

1.  GAME  What is it? Its’s a pen What colour is it? it’s blue

2. SONG  Happy and you know it.  They love this song