Rentrée de la mini-schools


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Day:  27th September  TIME (17hr-18hr)   Group : SWEET CIRCUS

Introduction :  We started with a song HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT

Presentation :  What's your name?

                      Write their names on a piece of paper

                       We started to work on 4 colours using different balls

                        Explained that we are going to visit SWEET CIRCUS every Monday

                        Showed different pictures of animals in SWEET CIRCUS

Game                Please show me the ....


  Conversation:  Do you like sweets? Yes Ido!/No, I don't

                       What colour of sweets do you like red/yellow/orange/pink?

                        I want pink/red/orange/yellow

Day:  27th September   TIME (18hr-19hr)   Group : Jimmy Speaking

Introduction :  We started with a song HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT

                      Head and shoulders knees and toes

Presentation :  What's your name?

                       How old are you?

                       HOw are you today?

                      Wrote their names on a piece of paper

                       We started to work on numbers

                        Explained that we are going to do during the activities in JIMMY SPEAKING

game                Please give me the dog/cat/crocodile/teddy bear/mouse/etc

  Conversation:  Do you like sweets? Yes Ido! No, I don't

                       What colour of sweets do you like red/yellow/orange/pink?

                        I want pink/red/orange/yellow

Day:  29th September


            What's your name?

            How old are you?

            How are you today?

We started with some songs

            Happy and you know it

            Head and shoulders knees and toes


            Simon's Says

           (Touch your nose/mouth/head/etc)

              What is it?

            Is it an object/animals/a person/food/colour/etc?

            Is it big/small?

            Yes it is /No it isn't

Distribution of Sweets

            Do you like sweets?

            Yes I do/No I don't

            What colour do you want?

            I want orange/red/pink/yellow